Killi expedition to Cameroon - January 2013
The Adventures of Asterix and Obelix...
< 'Day 06' |
'Day 08' > | |
The longest day…
In the views of the wished route, a departure at 7 am is imperative. We leave Wum in the early hours by leaving behind us the freshness of the mountain. Two points of elberti later, we fall, not without difficulty, on the first Fp mirabilis. Several points of Fundulo with in particular very particular Fp gardneri mamfensis are going to follow itself. At the end of the day, we make a point of fishing near Ossing to find famous Procatopus of the region. Within 5 minutes, we find ourselves surrounded by the children, but also 2 adults not really enchanted to see us here. After more than 20 minutes of negotiations, Cyrille manages to make so that we do not leave empty-handed.
On returning to Mamfe, we take up residence in a hotel with air conditioning, but without water! We begin to be used...
To the program of tomorrow: obtain the agreement of the leader of Eyumojock and go there, then mean going fishing in the North of Mamfe (the purpose being to win one day furthermore for the end of the journey). It is 11 pm the day ends finally!